Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Race Night!!!

It's finally time!!! All of the t's have been dotted, i's have been crossed, mistake has been realized and crosses and dots have corrected, and we're ready to go!

From talking to various its sounding like we're going to have a pretty substantial turn out which is always good to hear. If we're able to pack the Cowboy to capacity I'm sure they won't mind.

I picked up the prizes from A&M yesterday. Karl was nice enough to give a bag full of stuff so we'll have enough to spread around. Prizes will go to placing riders in the bracketed races and the winner of the top speed race. Also, we decided to give a special prize to the first person who pukes while riding. Oh yes, there may be puke.

See you there!



  1. Where can picture be found from the races?

  2. All of the pictures from my friend Sara are here:

    If anyone else has pictures from the races please shoot me an email with the link and I'll include the link and some of the pics in a post.
