Thursday, January 1, 2009

Posters and Fliers

are done. We're going to start spreading them around this weekend so keep an eye out for them. At the moment our target areas other than the bike shops will be the loop and south grand. After those spots are covered we'll be moving onto other areas.



  1. Is this event using opensprint hardware?

  2. Unfortunately no on this event. We didn't have time to put together the hardware and software for the opensprints program for this event. I emailed Evan (the guy who writes opensprints) to see if he had any ready made kits that I could use for this event but he didn't have any ready at the moment. We'll be using computrainers for the first race. There are going to be two events the following months (feb 11th and march 11th). I'd like to try to get the boards built and mounted onto some rollers in time for the next two and use open sprints, but only time will tell on that one.
